
Een inleiding tot Partitioning, deel 1

Naar aanleiding van een migratieproject bij een van onze klanten, kreeg ik inspiratie om enkele zaken rond Partitioning uit te klaren. Partitioning is geen performance feature, maar is voornamelijk een methode om het management van grote tabellen te vergemakkelijken. Dat betekent dat het geen invloed kan hebben op de performance. Wel integendeel, het kan zowel positieve als negatieve impact hebben op de query’s.

Should I use serverless for all my Azure SQL Databases?

But first things first, what the heck is serverless? Azure SQL Database serverless is a new compute tier made for single databases. This new model automatically scales the compute based on the actual workload per second. This means that you only have to pay for the compute resources (memory & vCores) you use. Furthermore, serverless has an autopause function. It will pause your database when it remains inactive for a period of minimum 1 hour. For a paused database, only the storage is charged.

Prevent lock escalation on indexed views

Recently I was at a customer who had created an indexed view which spanned multiple tables as part of a release. Although the index was already created, it wasn’t being used by the application yet.

Managed Instance (in combination with SSIS Integration Runtime) a first POC story

First of all, this article is based on a personal experience and is a snapshot in time. All comments made are based on the experience and what was available at time of writing. We have a client who wants to get rid of its ‘On Prem’ infrastructure and wants to push everything into the Azure Cloud environment, not having to think about maintenance/patching/high availability and so on. You may have noticed that On Prem is written between quotes? The answer why is that the server(s) are already in Azure, but in a IaaS model and is a intermediary step to go into a full blow (Azure) Cloud environment.

SQL Server Plan Guides: A Walkthrough, Part 2

In the first part of this blog series, we looked into the basic plan guide setup, the fact that hints already on the queries will be overwritten by the plan guide and some other intricacies.

SQL Server Plan Guides: A Walkthrough Part 1

Plan guides are some strange things, and can be very high risk. This post does not have the intention to get all you fine people to implement plan guides everywhere, it should be one of the last resort options in your toolkit.

Migrating Databases using Backup and Restore

In this blog post we will describe how to migrate a SQLServer Database between different SQL Instances using the Backup and Restore procedure. The main advantage from migrating databases this way, is that it is less error prone than other procedures. I would recommend using this method on very static databases or databases where you can afford a longer downtime. A disadvantage would be that there needs to be a downtime when migrating this database, so if a requirement is that downtime must be zero, we would recommend using an other migrating procedure.

Migrating to newer SQL Server versions

SQL Server 2017 is not that new anymore, but it is still the fastest database everywhere you need it. But, as with each new release of SQL Server, most people are hesitating to start migrating to this new version for a variety of reasons.