
Validate your SQL environment the easy way

Every DBA probably knows and should even be using DBAtools stuff. Lately Chrissy Lemaire and her team also added DBAchecks, a validation tool, to it. A separate powershell module , based mainly on pester checks.

Queries are running slower after migrating?

There’s a solution for everything. If your queries are running slower after migrating, you can use the Query Store to force lower compatibility plans. The query store is a very easy way to track the queries happening in your database, with pre made charts and filters, queries can be aggregated on cpu, reads, execution count, …. You can also force query plans, so a query always uses a certain plan. We will be using the force query plan further down this blog post.

How to import a JSON-file into a SQL Server table?

Many of you are, hopefully, starting up projects to upgrade your current SQL Server to the shiny SQL Server 2017. One of the first things to do is run the Database Migration Assistant (DMA) (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53595)

Creating and managing Audits in SQL Server

In this blog I will be talking about Creating and Managing Audits in SQL Server. We will first look at what SQL Server audit is and why you should use it. After this we will be looking at where to configure and how to activate SQL server audit, server audit specifications and database level specifications. To finish, we will see how to access the collected data from the sql audit file.

The Chamber of SQL Part 3

“The Always Highly Available Failover Cluster On Instance”. The project Stephanie was working on was nearly finished. Her new architecture was built, scripts were being created and databases were migrated.

OPINION – Is SSRS on Azure happening?

Is SSRS on Azure happening? Well as always in Azure it depends… If you mean that ‘SQL Service Reporting Services’ is going to be provided on Azure, the answer is NO as SSRS is a product name as well as a part of SQL Server.

How To: Azure SQL DB Cross database queries using synonyms

When helping a fellow dba on dba.stackexchange.com, I came across an interesting subject. What about synonyms in Azure SQL DB? We know that synonyms that stay in the current database scope work, but how do we get cross db synonyms to work?

Make your own SQL Server Docker Container

Recently I needed to have a SQL Server 2008 R2 instance to do some testing. I had to install it on my laptop, but I wasn’t a big fan of installing such an old version locally. A couple of weeks ago at Dataminds Connect  I saw Andrew Prusky building customized Docker containers. Because most of the public SQL Server Docker images are only for the most recent SQL Server versions, it seemed like a great opportunity to create my own SQL Server 2008 R2 Docker image.