One of the most challenging tasks in data mining or machine learning is how to get seasonality into the mix. Therefore I created a construct that can insert the seasonality for the Flemish part of Belgium in SQL. With some minor alterations, this can easily be adapted for the Brussels or Walloon regions.
Because I could create this fast in SQL and because my initial dataset was SQL Server based, I choose to create this in SQL Server.
If we take the rules on which school holidays are created:, we can see that it is important to correctly determine easter.
This can be done in SQL Server using the following function:
Let’s create a worktable first:
Once we have found Easter, it’s easy to find the school holidays using this peace of code:
Because not everyone’s life is coupled with the school holidays, we also have to add the national holidays. Again, this is easily done by adding the following code:
And there you have them, the complete set for Flanders 😉