Unfortunately, SQL Server’s management studio doesn’t provide you with a simple way to script your resource pools and resource groups. If you want to do this you’ll first have to script all the groups, and then the pools one by one in the correct order. To recreate them you have to do the same but in a reverse order.
This SQL script does just that, it generates the scripts needed to recreate your resource groups and pools in the correct order. This is extremely useful in Always-on scenario’s as it provides you with a script that can be run on the primary node, and the result on any secondary node(s) creating a completely identical resource configuration for your resource governors.
The generated scripts can also be used as post scripts for application deployment or for documentation purposes. Please note that it does NOT script the configuration of your resource governor nor will it script your classification function. This is not within the scope of this script.
The difficulty for this script was to make the script generate the statements in the correct order, and to take into consideration the edition changes in the resource governor.
The script has two self-explaining parameters:
DECLARE @Drop bit=1 DECLARE @Create bit=1 DECLARE @CMD nvarchar(4000) declare @version int set @version = (SELECT convert (int,REPLACE (LEFT (CONVERT (varchar, SERVERPROPERTY ('ProductVersion')),2), '.', ''))) CREATE TABLE #Command (pk int identity(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,Command nvarchar(4000)) IF @Drop=1 BEGIN IF NOT Exists (select * from tempdb.sys.objects where name like'#DROPS%' and type='U') BEGIN CREATE TABLE #DROPS (Group_id int,Pool_id int,IsActive bit, Command nvarchar(4000)) END ELSE BEGIN Truncate table #DROPS END INSERT INTO #DROPS Select Group_id,Pool_id,1, 'use [master]; DROP WORKLOAD GROUP '+QUOTENAME(wg.name)+';' FROM sys.resource_governor_workload_groups wg where group_id > 2 INSERT INTO #DROPS Select 0,Pool_id,1, 'use [master]; BEGIN TRY DROP RESOURCE POOL '+QUOTENAME(name)+' END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH;' FROM sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pools where Pool_id > 2 INSERT INTO #Command Select Command From #Drops order by Pool_id asc,Group_id desc END IF @Create = 1 BEGIN IF NOT Exists (select * from tempdb.sys.objects where name like'#CREATES%' and type='U') BEGIN CREATE TABLE #CREATES (Group_id int,Pool_id int, Command nvarchar(4000)) END SET @CMD='Select 0,Pool_id,''use [master]; BEGIN TRY CREATE RESOURCE POOL ''+QUOTENAME(name)+'' WITH (''+ ''min_cpu_percent=''+CAST(min_cpu_percent as varchar(3))+'', ''+ ''max_cpu_percent=''+CAST(max_cpu_percent as varchar(3))+'', ''+ ''min_memory_percent=''+CAST(min_memory_percent as varchar(3))+'', ''+ ''max_memory_percent=''+CAST(max_memory_percent as varchar(3))+'', ''+ '+ CASE WHEN @version > 10 THEN '''cap_cpu_percent=''+CAST(cap_cpu_percent as varchar(3))+'', ''+ 'ELSE '' END+ CASE WHEN @version > 11 THEN '''min_iops_per_volume=''+CAST(min_iops_per_volume as varchar(3))+'', ''+ 'ELSE '' END+ CASE WHEN @version > 11 THEN '''max_iops_per_volume=''+CAST(max_iops_per_volume as varchar(3))+'', ''+ 'ELSE '' END+ '''AFFINITY SCHEDULER = AUTO)''+'+ ''' END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH ''' + 'FROM sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pools where Pool_id > 2' PRINT @cmd INSERT INTO #CREATES exec sp_executesql @cmd INSERT INTO #CREATES Select wg.group_id,wg.pool_id, 'use [master]; BEGIN TRY CREATE WORKLOAD GROUP '+QUOTENAME(wg.name)+' WITH (' + 'group_max_requests='+CAST(group_max_requests as varchar(4))+', '+ 'importance='+importance+', '+ 'request_max_cpu_time_sec='+CAST(request_max_cpu_time_sec as varchar(5))+', '+ 'request_max_memory_grant_percent='+CAST(request_max_memory_grant_percent as varchar(5))+', '+ 'request_memory_grant_timeout_sec='+CAST(request_memory_grant_timeout_sec as varchar(5))+', '+ 'max_dop='+CAST(max_dop as char(2))+') USING '+QUOTENAME(rp.name)+' END TRY BEGIN CATCH END CATCH;' FROM sys.resource_governor_workload_groups wg inner join sys.dm_resource_governor_resource_pools rp on rp.pool_id=wg.pool_id where wg.group_id > 2 INSERT INTO #Command Select Command From #CREATES order by Pool_id desc,Group_id asc END GO Select * From #Command GO IF Exists (select * from tempdb.sys.objects where name like '#DROPS%' and type='U') BEGIN DROP TABLE #DROPS END GO IF Exists (select * from tempdb.sys.objects where name like '#CREATES%' and type='U') BEGIN DROP TABLE #CREATES END GO DROP TABLE #Command
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