
Sending monitoring alerts through Telegram

What if you could get the ease of phone notifications for whatever monitoring alerts you need? Then we have a solution for you with the app Telegram. Some of you may be familiar with this messaging tool, that’s very similar to WhatsApp.

The world of data is evolving

The data landscape has changed dramatically over recent years, the world of data is evolving. In the past, we mainly heard that we needed to do as much as possible “cloud-only”—but this trend has become more nuanced now.

The Databricks lifecycle and how it impacts your maintenance

Since its announcement as a first-party service on Microsoft Azure at the end of 2017, Databricks has seen a remarkable growth in usage. However, the service and its success were around long before Microsoft came into play. Going by the fact that you are reading this blog at this very moment, I’ll assume that you have used Databricks before, or at least have heard that Databricks is in the data business. And cousin, business is a-boomin’! One aspect that may have left users of the service frazzled, is the steady stream of updates it receives.