The hurdles and pitfalls of moving or migrating a System-versioned temporal table cross database
Maybe you already have your own way of doing this and are wondering about alternative methods, or maybe you are planning to implement them and are asking yourself this question. Or maybe your colleague introduced this to the developers team and suddenly they are popping up all around your databases like mushrooms and you need a quick guide about how to move or migrate system versioned tables from one to another database. This was a rather specific use case for me, and I thought it would be a nice idea to share.
Updating your Azure SQL server OAuth2 credentials in Power BI via PowerShell for automation purposes
The better way to update OAuth2 credentials in Power BI is by automating the process of updating Azure SQL Server OAuth2 credentials. This offers several benefits over manual updates. Let’s explore.
Under (memory) pressure
A few weeks ago, a client asked me if they were experiencing memory pressure and how they could monitor it in a good way in the future. It appears a small and simple question, but to give an appropriate answer we first need to take a few steps back and look what SQL Server memory actually is.
Managing files from other devices in a Fabric Lakehouse using the Python Azure SDK
In this blogpost, you’ll see how to manage files in OneLake programmatically using the Python Azure SDK. Very little coding experience is required and yet you can create very interesting automations this way.
Database specific security in SQL Server
There are many different ways to secure your database. In this blog post we will give most of them a quick description.
SQL Server security made easy on the server level
In this blog, we’re going to look at the options we have for server level security. In SQL Server we can add security on many different levels.
Microsoft SQL Server history
Since its inception in 1989, Microsoft SQL Server is a critical component of many organizations’ data infrastructure. As data has become increasingly valuable, the security of this infrastructure is more important than ever.
DBA is not that scary
Often when talking to people who are looking for a career path in the data world I feel like there are a lot of misconceptions about being a DBA and they don’t know what we do.
How do you link an SCD Type 2 table in Power Query?
This article uses a simple example to demonstrate how to link an SCD Type 2 table in Power Query to a fact table. We show you how to easily recreate this!
How to easily parse JSON in Power BI Desktop
Sometimes you want to use JSON data in Power BI. And sometimes Power BI doesn’t exactly do what you want it to do with the information. This blog will explain how to easily make your JSON data readable with Power BI Desktop.