
SQL Spot – Part 3

The growth spurt of SQL Server 2016 and all its related dimensions is hard to follow. Yet with our SQL spot we try to gather some intel for all SQL Server enthusiasts. As always, we try to share some interesting articles, which crossed our paths recently, either professionally or out of personal interest.

Protect your most valuable business asset

Big data has become big business. Almost every company has transformed into a digital company these days. It does no longer matter in which business you’re competing – devices are now equipped with all kinds of sensors and connected through the latest IoT technologies. So how do you turn large volumes of information to your advantage? Firstly, you need to become aware of how valuable an asset your data is, because it’s unique for every company.

SQL Spot – Part 2

Hi there. Back again with more splendid community articles. Once again I tried gathering some noticeable information for you on common SQL Server topics regarding business, BI, Data Science, Azure, maintenance, tuning, learning and more…. As always, all rights go out to the community for putting in all the work.

Securing the data tier of an Azure SQL Server Database – Part 2

One of the most prominent questions when working with PaaS databases is how to secure them. In the previous blogpost of these defence series, I talked about limiting access to objects through firewalls and encryption. Today I’ll discuss protecting and auditing your data.

Securing the data tier of an Azure SQL Sever Database – Part 1

One of the most prominent questions when working with PaaS databases is how to secure them. In these defence series, I will talk about limiting access to objects, protecting your data and auditing. Also, I’ll add some extra resources for people looking for a complete overview of the available security features on an Azure SQL Server Database. Ok, let’s get started with the first layer. Enjoy!

SQL Spot – Part 1

It has been going fast in 2016 for Microsoft BI. If we continue to move on like this, we’re in for a treat in 2017. However, more technical growth means more ground to cover and more knowledge to be gathered. In this blog series I want to share some interesting articles, which crossed my path in the past month, either professionally or out of personal interest.

Social Science – Text mining on Twitter data

In my previous blog post I talked about how to get Twitter data into Power BI. This article will discuss how you can apply text mining on that data with some R code, together with some Power BI visuals.

Social Science – Get Twitter data in Power BI

Ever wanted to do some analytics on tweets with a certain hashtag (#) or from a certain user (@)? Don’t look any further, there is a great tool called Microsoft Power BI. In this blog post, I’ll be explaining how to get twitter data into your Power BI. Let’s go!