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Power BI Workshop

Power BI Workshop

Kohera offers a unique service to customers for auditing their Business Intelligence platforms. Giving the right high-performance tool to the right person is a key success factor in getting the most out of a Business Intelligence platform. We are offering you a workshop in which we check and evaluate your BI platform, helping you get more out of it.



Power BI Workshop

Power BI Workshop

Kohera offers a unique service to customers for auditing their Business Intelligence platforms. Giving the right high-performance tool to the right person is a key success factor in getting the most out of a Business Intelligence platform. We are offering you a workshop in which we check and evaluate your BI platform, helping you get more out of it.


In our package


  • Are there performance issues with your BI or data warehouse platform?
  • Is your data warehouse configured in a secure way to protect your data?
  • Is there a “single version of the truth” database for analysis and reporting?
  • Is your BI set-up making the most of the new possibilities offered by Microsoft BI technology?
  • Where is your organisation’s BI positioned in the BI maturity model?

How it works

  • We start by looking at the end-user or business needs.
  • We work our way down to check how data is loaded into the data warehouse.
  • We make an evaluation according to our own best practices and the many years of experience we have in implementing BI projects.

Kohera's offer

  • Business needs
  • Front-end
  • Cubes
  • DWH
  • ETL


Duration: 2 days

  • 1 day workshop on-site
  • 1 day writing report off-site


  • Detailed BI Recommendations Document
  • Possible next steps


2,500 EUR (excl. VAT)

Power BI Workshop for your company?