
The hurdles and pitfalls of moving or migrating a System-versioned temporal table cross database

Maybe you already have your own way of doing this and are wondering about alternative methods, or maybe you are planning to implement them and are asking yourself this question. Or maybe your colleague introduced this to the developers team and suddenly they are popping up all around your databases like mushrooms and you need a quick guide about how to move or migrate system versioned tables from one to another database. This was a rather specific use case for me, and I thought it would be a nice idea to share.

Under (memory) pressure

A few weeks ago, a client asked me if they were experiencing memory pressure and how they could monitor it in a good way in the future. It appears a small and simple question, but to give an appropriate answer we first need to take a few steps back and look what SQL Server memory actually is.

Microsoft SQL Server history

Since its inception in 1989, Microsoft SQL Server is a critical component of many organizations’ data infrastructure. As data has become increasingly valuable, the security of this infrastructure is more important than ever.

Onze key takeaways van dataMinds Connect 2019

Oktober 2019, de herfst is in het land, het weer is druilerig, ideaal voor 2 dagen DataMinds Connect! Traditiegetrouw waren we deze editie weer met het voltallige Kohera team aanwezig. Ludo Bernaerts, ervaren data wizard en Simon De Meester, vers van de pers data wizard sinds 1 maand, vertellen je wat ze zoal opstaken van deze tweedaagse.

Wanneer je bij Kohera start…

Seriously, have fun .. and what great fun we had! Een kleine greep uit onze eerste week als gloednieuwe Koheriaanse groentjes; veel eten (hamburgers), koffie, rijden (file), opleidingen en ontsnappen uit de jungle of deep space, dat kan tellen als eerste week!

Free download: How Big Data and AI can help your business move forward?

A while ago, our DAX Diviner at The Kingdom of Wizards, Ken Geeraerts, has been interviewed for a whitepaper on Big Data and AI for the company Nimbuz. The witepaper shows you how to make your company future proof, by letting data and analytics work for you. So you can understand your customers and market better, and push your business and workforce forward. To quote our wizard Ken: “You first have to make sure that the data is stored in the best possible way and then made available centrally. Then you look for ways to convert that data into a policy instrument; that helps you make targeted and strategic decisions.”

The Kohera DNA and me

Just recently the Kohera team went on its annual off-site trip. When I got back home after a splendid weekend filled with food, drinks, banter and amusing activities, I actually kind of had a small sense of the holiday blues.

A Historically correct approach on the evolution of the Microsoft Data Platform

As we are nearing the end of a very interesting year, I was mesmerizing about the changes we saw this year. This took me back to what I’d later would call the very beginning of what would become my personal IT-Career, animals were still able to talk and we were all happily typing away on those  awesome 16-bit 80286 machines.

Waarom werken bij Kohera?

Een passie voor alles wat IT-gerelateerd is en de goesting om continu bij te leren. Twee eigenschappen die Dirk Deckers en Philippe Van Rillaer kenmerken. Na hun studies begon de moeilijke zoektocht naar een boeiende job waarin ze hun passie konden botvieren. Na enkele omwegen, vonden ze die eind 2017 bij Kohera. En dat is niet onopgemerkt voorbijgegaan. Lees hier het relaas van hun eerste werkjaar als Koheriaan.